Ann Simon


Santa Barbara

Ann Simon is from Santa Barbara, California and has previously held the roll of administrative and executive assistant in both the hospitality and accounting industry both in Santa Barbara and Maui, Hawaii. Ann has been the administrative assistant with the Santa Barbara office since 2021. She supports all management and fellow associates as well as clients. In her spare time, Ann enjoys spending time at the beach with her husband and doggie.

EXPERTISE: Administration, Client Services, Event Planning

  • Favorite thing about my job: working in a beautiful office with a great group of people
  • Favorite work outing you’ve been on: The Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA
  • Desert island book: “The Dragon Lance Chronicles”
  • What is the best dish you can cook? Shrimp Scampi
  • Favorite vacation you’ve taken: Vacationed and lived on Maui and camping along the California Coast from Santa Barbara to Oregon
  • What is your side gig/passion project/hobby? Doggie, Hubbie, Beach
  • What would the title of your autobiography be? Live, Love, Laugh
  • Favorite movie quote: “Cartagena? Angel, you are hell and gone from Cartagena”
  • If you were a board game, what game would you be? Clue (favorite as a kid)
  • Favorite way to celebrate your birthday: nice dinner and drinks out with friends
  • Favorite concert you’ve attended: Steve Miller in Maui and Tom Petty in Santa Barbara